Sunday, August 16, 2009

sometimes i duno wat i wan to do??

tat day is saturday,school got ''bu ke'',all my fren got bring hp to skul...wao...yeng...haha...i see at skul,lik 3h is the most student,n tat day miss renuka oso giv us play,so syok...haha..

tat day in the class,see her going out,going in back to class..i oso duno y she do it,maybe is about hari koko gua,wan give teacher sign gua....but i wan tell her tat all teacher r going to the jamuan,not so fast go back to bilik guru,but,duno y suddenly i no that brave to tell her...i oso duno why...haiz...

fang xue lor,happy feel go up to bus n back home...but,in the journey go back home,i had see her going back wif a boy,see they 2 chat very happy,duno y my heart feel sad,like wan cry out...cemburu?? i oso duno...

now my situation jus same lik old ck,wan fang qi,but cant do it...haiz,so wan do her best fren or try to ask her again tat can she accept me....maybe will be another sad answer for me...haiz

anybody can giv advise or jian yi to me?? i very need to noe,so i will noe tat i wait her answer for 1 half years is berbaloi...

now for me jus got 2 ways,1 is be stupid n still wait her answer,2 is ask her that she can accept me n receive a sad answer AGAIN....all my fren,can giv me some advise?? which way should i choose?? pls tell me...haiz